Hashicorp Vault SSH OTP

With Vault’s SSH secret engine you can provide an secure authentication and authorization for SSH. With the One-Time SSH Password (OTP) you don’t need to manage keys anymore. The client requests the credentials from the Vault service and (if authorized) can connect to target service(s). Vault will take care that the OTP can be used only once and the access is logged. This tutorial will provide needed steps on a simple Docker infrastructure. Attention, in that tutorial Vault and Vault-SSH-Helper are running in Development Mode – don’t do that in production!


Vault server

Let’s start and prepare the vault service.

# run vault-service container (local)
$ docker run -ti --name vault-service bitnami/minideb /bin/bash

# install packages
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y ntp curl unzip ssh sshpass

# download vault
$ curl -C - -k https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/0.10.4/vault_0.10.4_linux_amd64.zip -o /tmp/vault.zip

# unzip and delete archive
$ unzip -d /tmp/ /tmp/vault.zip && rm /tmp/vault.zip

# move binary
$ mv /tmp/vault /usr/local/bin/

# start vault (development mode)
$ vault server -dev -dev-listen-address=''

Don’t stop or close terminal session! Open new terminal. Note: The IP’s I use in this tutorial may be different to yours.

# get IP of container (local)
$ docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' vault-service

# run commands on container (local)
$ docker exec -ti vault-service /bin/bash

# set environment variable
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''

# enable ssh secret engine
$ vault secrets enable ssh

# create new vault role
$ vault write ssh/roles/otp_key_role key_type=otp default_user=root cidr_list=

Target server

Now we create and configure the target service.

Note: Because of the security settings of my provider, spaces are after “etc”. Please delete it after copy/paste.

# run target-service container (local)
$ docker run -ti --name target-service bitnami/minideb /bin/bash

# install packages
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y ntp curl unzip ssh vim

# download vault-ssh-helper
$ curl -C - -k https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault-ssh-helper/0.1.4/vault-ssh-helper_0.1.4_linux_amd64.zip -o /tmp/vault-ssh-helper.zip

# unzip and delete archive
$ unzip -d /tmp/ /tmp/vault-ssh-helper.zip && rm /tmp/vault-ssh-helper.zip

# move binary
$ mv /tmp/vault-ssh-helper /usr/local/bin/

# create directory
$ mkdir /etc /vault-ssh-helper.d

# add content to file
$ cat > /etc /vault-ssh-helper.d/config.hcl << EOL
vault_addr = ""
ssh_mount_point = "ssh"
ca_cert = "/etc /vault-ssh-helper.d/vault.crt"
tls_skip_verify = false
allowed_roles = "*"

# verify config (optional)
$ vault-ssh-helper -dev -verify-only -config=/etc /vault-ssh-helper.d/config.hcl

Pam SSHD configuration (on target server)

# modify pam sshd configuration
$ vim /etc /pam.d/sshd
#@include common-auth
auth requisite pam_exec.so quiet expose_authtok log=/tmp/vaultssh.log /usr/local/bin/vault-ssh-helper -dev -config=/etc /vault-ssh-helper.d/config.hcl
auth optional pam_unix.so not_set_pass use_first_pass nodelay

SSHD configuration (on target server)

# modify sshd_config
$ vim /etc /ssh/sshd_config
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
UsePAM yes
PasswordAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin yes
# start SSHD
$ /etc /init.d/ssh start

# echo some content into file (optional)
$ echo 'Hello from target-service' > /tmp/target-service

Client server

Last container is for simulating a client.

# run some-client container (local)
$ docker run -ti --name some-client bitnami/minideb /bin/bash

# install packages
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y ntp curl unzip ssh sshpass

# download vault
$ curl -C - -k https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/0.10.4/vault_0.10.4_linux_amd64.zip -o /tmp/vault.zip

# unzip and delete archive
$ unzip -d /tmp/ /tmp/vault.zip && rm /tmp/vault.zip

# move binary
$ mv /tmp/vault /usr/local/bin/

# set environment variable
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''

# authenticate as root (root token)
$ vault auth <root token>


Most work is already done. Now we use the demo environment.

# get container IP of target-service (local)
$ docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' target-service

# get container IP of some-client (local)
$ docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' some-client
# create an OTP credential (vault-service)
$ vault write ssh/creds/otp_key_role ip=
$ vault write ssh/creds/otp_key_role ip=

Note: Because of the security settings of my provider, spaces are after “root”. Please delete it after copy/paste.

# connect via vault SSH (vault-service)
$ vault ssh -role otp_key_role -mode otp -strict-host-key-checking=no root @

# connect via vault SSH (some-client)
$ vault ssh -role otp_key_role -mode otp -strict-host-key-checking=no root @

# read content of file (via SSH connections)
$ cat /tmp/target-service

# tail logfile (target-service)
$ tail -f /tmp/vaultssh.log

Start with Vault 0.10.x

HashiCorp released Vault version 0.10.x on April 2018. The 0.10.x release delivers many new features and changes (eq. K/V Secrets Engine v2, Vault Web UI, etc.). Please have a look on vault/CHANGELOG for more informations. This tiny tutorial will concentrate now on usage of Vault’s Key-Value Secrets Engine via CLI.


# download version 0.10.3
$ curl -C - -k https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/0.10.3/vault_0.10.3_darwin_amd64.zip -o ~/Downloads/vault.zip

# unzip and delete archive
$ unzip ~/Downloads/vault.zip -d ~/Downloads/ && rm ~/Downloads/vault.zip

# change access permissions and move binary to target
$ chmod u+x ~/Downloads/vault && sudo mv ~/Downloads/vault /usr/local/

Start Vault server in development mode

# start in simple development mode
$ vault server -dev

Do not stop the process and open new tab on terminal [COMMAND] + [t].

# set environment variable
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''

# check vault status
$ vault status

Create, Read, Update and Delete secrets

# create secret (version: 1)
$ vault kv put secret/demosecret name=demo value=secret

# list secrets (optional)
$ vault kv list secret

# read secret
$ vault kv get secret/demosecret

# read secret (JSON)
$ vault kv get --format json secret/demosecret

# update secret (version: 2)
$ vault kv put secret/demosecret name=Demo value=secret foo=bar

# read secret (latest version)
$ vault kv get secret/demosecret

# read secret (specific version)
$ vault kv get --version 1 secret/demosecret

# read secret (specific field)
$ vault kv get --field=name secret/demosecret

# delete secret (latest version)
$ vault kv delete secret/demosecret

# show metadata
$ vault kv metadata get secret/demosecret

As you can see, there are minor changes to previous versions of Vault.

Note: The API for the Vault KV secrets engine even changed.

# read (version 1)
$ curl -H "X-Vault-Token: ..."

# read (version 2)
$ curl -H "X-Vault-Token: ..."

Okay, back to CLI and some examples which are better for automation. We will use the STDIN and a simple JSON file.

# create secret (version: 1)
$ echo -n "my secret" | vault kv put secret/demosecret2 name=-

# list secrets (optional)
$ vault kv list secret

# update secret (version: 2)
$ echo -n '{"name": "other secret"}' | vault kv put secret/demosecret2 -

# create JSON file
$ echo -n '{"name": "last secret"}' > ~/Desktop/demo.json

# update secret (version: 3)
$ vault kv put secret/demosecret2 @$HOME/Desktop/demo.json

# read secrets (different versions)
$ vault kv get --version 1 secret/demosecret2
$ vault kv get --version 2 secret/demosecret2
$ vault kv get --version 3 secret/demosecret2

# delete version permanent
$ vault kv destroy --versions 3 secret/demosecret2

# show metadata
$ vault kv metadata get secret/demosecret2

Web UI

Previously the Web UI was for Enterprise only, now it has been made open source.

# open URL in browser
$ open http://localhost:8200/

Now you can use the root token to sign in.

Create phishing sites with SocialFish

With SocialFish you can easily and quickly create phishing sites. Of course, only for learning purposes! Here is a little tutorial to getting started.


  • make, PHP, sudo
  • Python 2.7
  • Python PIP
  • Python virtualenv


# create new project
$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/SocialFish && cd ~/Projects/SocialFish

# create Makefile
$ vim Makefile

.PHONY: destroy

CURRENT_DIR := $(shell pwd)

help :
	@echo "Usage: $ make <target>"
	@echo " > create    : create project"
	@echo " > run       : run project"
	@echo " > destroy   : destroy project"

create :
	@echo "[RUN]: clone from git"
	@git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/SocialFish.git
	@make env

destroy :
	@echo "[RUN]: destroy project"
	@rm -fr ./$(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/
	@rm -fr ./SocialFish/

env :
	@echo "[RUN]: create virtualenv"
	@virtualenv $(VIRTUALENV_DIR) && \
	. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate
	@make deps

deps :
	@echo "[RUN]: install dependencies"
	@$(INTERPRETER)/pip install -r $(CURRENT_DIR)/SocialFish/requirements.txt

run :
	@echo "[RUN]: start SocialFish"
	@cd SocialFish && \
	../.env/bin/python SocialFish.py


Here an phishing example for GitHub.

# download and create
$ make create

# start SocialFish
$ make run

 [!] Do you agree to use this tool for educational purposes only? (y/n)
 SF > y

Select an option:

 [1] Facebook

 [2] Google

 [3] LinkedIn

 [4] Github

 [5] StackOverflow

 [6] WordPress

 [7] Twitter

 SF >  4

   _.-=-._     .-, 
 .'       "-.,' / 
(          _.  < 
 `=.____.="  `._\

 [*] Github module loaded. Building site...

 [*] Ngrok URL: https://5cf8cc89.ngrok.io

 [*] Waiting for credentials... 

PHP 7.1.7 Development Server started at Sun Feb 18 16:11:23 2018
Listening on
Document root is /Users/lupin/Projects/SocialFish/SocialFish/Server/www
Press Ctrl-C to quit.


[Sun Feb 18 16:13:06 2018] [200]: /
[Sun Feb 18 16:13:07 2018] [404]: /opensearch.xml - No such file or directory
[Sun Feb 18 16:13:18 2018] [302]: /login.php
 [EMAIL]: test@mail.de [PASS]: test1234

# destroy all
$ make destroy

😉 super easy …

Setup learning environment for security testing

In a previous tutorial, I showed you how to set up a security learning environment quickly. Since there are some changes now (ex: Webswing), I’ll do the tutorial again. By the way i use macOS, some commands could be different but similar for Linux or Windows.


  • Docker (17.12.0-ce)
  • Safari (11.02)
  • Firefox (58.0)

Search and download needed docker images

# search DVWA image (optional)
$ docker search dvwa

# pull DVWA image
$ docker pull citizenstig/dvwa

# search ZAP image (optional)
$ docker search zap

# pull ZAP image
$ docker pull owasp/zap2docker-stable

# search ThreadFix image (optional)
$ docker search threadfix

# pull ThreadFix image
$ docker pull jmbmxer/threadfix

# list images (optional)
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                 TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED         SIZE
owasp/zap2docker-stable    latest    40848e80b7fb    2 months ago    1.33GB
jmbmxer/threadfix          latest    b6f1907a61cd    22 months ago   941MB
citizenstig/dvwa           latest    c8312743bc09    3 years ago     478MB

Run DVWA container

# run DVWA container
$ docker run -d -p 8081:80 --name dvwa citizenstig/dvwa

# check DVWA logs for startup (optional)
$ docker logs -f dvwa

# get local ip
$ ipconfig getifaddr en0

# start DVWA in browser
$ open -a Safari

DVWA inside Browser

…Setup/create new database…

setup dvwa

Run ZAP container

# create folder
$ mkdir -p /tmp/reports

# run ZAP container
$ docker run -u zap -i -p 8080:8080 -p 8090:8090 -v /tmp/reports:/home/zap/reports --name zap owasp/zap2docker-stable zap-webswing.sh

# start ZAP in Browser
$ open -a Safari http://localhost:8080/?anonym=true&app=ZAP

ZAP inside browser

Please check via “Tools” -> “Options” -> “Local Proxies” the right configuration!

ZAP Proxy configuration

You need do use the non-routable meta address (!

Run ThreadFix container

# run ThreadFix container
$ docker run -d -p 8443:8443 --name threadfix jmbmxer/threadfix start

# check ThreadFix logs for startup (optional)
$ docker logs -f threadfix
Jan 30, 2018 8:56:40 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 49986 ms

# start ThreadFix in Browser
$ open -a Safari https://localhost:8443/threadfix/

Login into ThreadFix with “user/password

ThreadFix login

Create new team with application.

Configure Firefox

# get local ip
$ ipconfig getifaddr en0

# open Firefox preferences
$ /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox --preferences

Configure manual proxy with your local IP and 2nd ZAP port (8090). Afterwards you enable checkbox “Use this proxy server for all protocols” and press OK button.

Firefox proxy configuration

When all the configurations have been made, you can temporarily quit Firefox.

Use environment

# list all containers (optional)
$ docker ps -a

# open DVWA via Proxy
$ open -a firefox

Start recording and save your XML report “Report -> Generate XML Report”.

Save ZAP XML report

# open reports directory in finder
$ open /tmp/reports

Import XML report

Next steps

Now it’s time to study! If you need help, you can found a lot of training materials on Youtube.

Fingerprinting with Spaghetti

In this tutorial I would like to introduce Spaghetti. Spaghetti is a cool project by m4ll0k on GitHub written in Python with less dependencies. The main idea behind Spaghetti is to find out fingerprints from Server, Web Frameworks, WAF, CMS, OS and languages. The following tutorial will show you how to set up and use spaghetti quickly and easily.


  • Python (2.7.x)
  • Virtualenv

Prepare Project

# create directory
$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/Spaghetti && cd cd ~/Projects/Spaghetti

# create makefile
$ vim Makefile

.PHONY: destroy

CURRENT_DIR := $(shell pwd)

help :
	@echo "Usage: $ make <target>"
	@echo " > create    : create project"
	@echo " > destroy   : destroy project"

create :
	@echo "[RUN]: clone from git"
	@git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/Spaghetti.git
	@make env

destroy :
	@echo "[RUN]: destroy project"
	@rm -fr ./$(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/
	@rm -fr ./Spaghetti/

env :
	@echo "[RUN]: create virtualenv"
	@virtualenv $(VIRTUALENV_DIR) && \
	. $(VIRTUALENV_DIR)/bin/activate
	@make deps

deps :
	@echo "[RUN]: install dependencies"
	@$(INTERPRETER)/pip install -r $(CURRENT_DIR)/Spaghetti/requirements.txt


# create project
$ make create

# create alias
$ alias spaghetti="~/Projects/Spaghetti/.env/bin/python ~/Projects/Spaghetti/Spaghetti/spaghetti.py"

# check alias is created (optional)
$ compgen -a | grep 'spaghetti'

# show help
$ spaghetti --help

# run full scan with random agent and verbose mode
$ spaghetti --url http://google.ch --scan 0 --random-agent --verbose

# remove alias
$ unalias spaghetti

# destroy everything
$ make destroy

Simple Vault introduction

Today a tiny introduction to Vault from HashiCorp. I will just show the simplest usage. But this will help to get a first idea of Vault and the features.



# download vault (0.8.0)
$ curl -C - -k https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/0.8.0/vault_0.8.0_darwin_amd64.zip -o ~/Downloads/vault.zip

# unzip and delete archive
$ unzip ~/Downloads/vault.zip && rm ~/Downloads/vault.zip

# move binary to target
$ sudo mv ~/Downloads/vault /usr/local/

Start Vault Server

# start in DEV mode
$ vault server -dev
Root Token: 6fdbf7b1-56a2-e665-aa31-0e3b5add5b77

Copy Root Token value to clipboard!!!


Create new environment “vault” under “Manage Environments” and store here your URL as “base_url” and Root Token as “api_key”.

insomnia vault environment

Now we create 4 simple requests

insomnia requests

for all requests we add Header

insomnia header

For first URL (POST: Add new secret) we use “{{ base_url }}/secret/MyFirstSecret” and we add following body as JSON.


After send the key:value is stored inside Vault. You can modify the request (e.q. “{{ base_url }}/secret/MySecondSecret”) and send some more.

Our next request is to show all keys (GET: Get list of secret keys) “{{ base_url }}/secret?list=true”. The Preview will show similar output.

insomnia get vault keys

3rd request is to get the value from a specific key (GET: Get value of specific secret) “{{ base_url }}/secret/MySecret”.

insomnia get vault value

Last request is for delete (DEL: Delete specific secret) “{{ base_url }}/secret/MySecret”.

Tipp: if you lost the root token (Vault server is running) you can find the value!

# show file content
$ cat ~/.vault-token

Penetration testing report via Serpico

Penetration testing make fun but writing penetration testing reports is boring. When you start you will look for templates or software which supports you. Here comes Serpico into the game. Serpico is a collaboration and report generation tool. The best… it is open-source.

Usage via Docker

# search for Serpico (optional)
$ docker search serpico

# download official image
$ docker pull serpicoproject/serpico

# create and run container
$ docker run --name serpico -p 8888:443 -it serpicoproject/serpico /bin/bash -l

# run setup script (only 1st time)
$ ruby scripts/first_time.rb

# create new user
$ ruby scripts/create_user.rb admin test123 1

# start serpico
$ ruby serpico.rb

Now you can use Serpico in your favorite browser…

# macOS use Safari
$ open -a Safari https://localhost:8888

Login with created credentials (admin/test123) and create your reports. On Youtube is a good introduction. If you don’t have Microsoft Words installed, you can view your reports online.

Lunar – a UNIX security auditing tool

LUNAR is a open source UNIX security auditing tool written in Shell script. It offers the audit for various operating systems like Linux (RHEL, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu), Solaris and Mac OS with less requirements. Services like Docker and AWS are also supported.


Clone repository

# git clone
$ git clone https://github.com/lateralblast/lunar.git

Download via curl

# download via curl
$ curl -L -C - -o lunar.zip https://github.com/lateralblast/lunar/archive/master.zip

# extract archive
$ unzip lunar.zip


The use is very easy… but the outcome brings much values.

# show help
$ sh lunar.sh -h

# list functions
$ sh lunar.sh -S

# run ssh audit
$ sh lunar.sh -s audit_ssh_config

# run selinux audit in verbose mode
$ sh lunar.sh -s audit_selinux -v

# run all audits
$ sh lunar.sh -a