This Blog is not death

What’s new? I have received various inquiries as to whether this blog is still being maintained. Yes he still will! Currently, however, a lot has changed in my life and through various security settings of my provider I have created a few tutorials directly on GitHub. So here are 2 categories which I would like to introduce to you.

Raspberry PI Tutorial

GitHub Tutorial: Lupin3000/Raspberry-PI-Tutorials

In this GitHub repository you will find instructions on how to use the small development board as a security analysis device. These instructions are simply intended to show which options the Raspberry PI offers and to provide an introduction to the topic of cyber security.

Adafruit Matrix LED

GitHub Tutorial: Lupin3000/AdafruitMatrixLED

I love the Adafruit Matrix LED! With a little python you can achieve everything your heart desires super quickly and easily. To make the start a little easier for you, I’ve created a few examples with Python. You are welcome to use these or (even better) develop them further.


I also started to post some pictures and videos of my work on Instagram … Yes, I have to go with time too. 😉

So if you find the time and feel like it, just drop by these platforms and let yourself be inspired for your projects.

Setup learning environment for security testing

In a previous tutorial, I showed you how to set up a security learning environment quickly. Since there are some changes now (ex: Webswing), I’ll do the tutorial again. By the way i use macOS, some commands could be different but similar for Linux or Windows.


  • Docker (17.12.0-ce)
  • Safari (11.02)
  • Firefox (58.0)

Search and download needed docker images

# search DVWA image (optional)
$ docker search dvwa

# pull DVWA image
$ docker pull citizenstig/dvwa

# search ZAP image (optional)
$ docker search zap

# pull ZAP image
$ docker pull owasp/zap2docker-stable

# search ThreadFix image (optional)
$ docker search threadfix

# pull ThreadFix image
$ docker pull jmbmxer/threadfix

# list images (optional)
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                 TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED         SIZE
owasp/zap2docker-stable    latest    40848e80b7fb    2 months ago    1.33GB
jmbmxer/threadfix          latest    b6f1907a61cd    22 months ago   941MB
citizenstig/dvwa           latest    c8312743bc09    3 years ago     478MB

Run DVWA container

# run DVWA container
$ docker run -d -p 8081:80 --name dvwa citizenstig/dvwa

# check DVWA logs for startup (optional)
$ docker logs -f dvwa

# get local ip
$ ipconfig getifaddr en0

# start DVWA in browser
$ open -a Safari

DVWA inside Browser

…Setup/create new database…

setup dvwa

Run ZAP container

# create folder
$ mkdir -p /tmp/reports

# run ZAP container
$ docker run -u zap -i -p 8080:8080 -p 8090:8090 -v /tmp/reports:/home/zap/reports --name zap owasp/zap2docker-stable

# start ZAP in Browser
$ open -a Safari http://localhost:8080/?anonym=true&app=ZAP

ZAP inside browser

Please check via “Tools” -> “Options” -> “Local Proxies” the right configuration!

ZAP Proxy configuration

You need do use the non-routable meta address (!

Run ThreadFix container

# run ThreadFix container
$ docker run -d -p 8443:8443 --name threadfix jmbmxer/threadfix start

# check ThreadFix logs for startup (optional)
$ docker logs -f threadfix
Jan 30, 2018 8:56:40 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 49986 ms

# start ThreadFix in Browser
$ open -a Safari https://localhost:8443/threadfix/

Login into ThreadFix with “user/password

ThreadFix login

Create new team with application.

Configure Firefox

# get local ip
$ ipconfig getifaddr en0

# open Firefox preferences
$ /Applications/ --preferences

Configure manual proxy with your local IP and 2nd ZAP port (8090). Afterwards you enable checkbox “Use this proxy server for all protocols” and press OK button.

Firefox proxy configuration

When all the configurations have been made, you can temporarily quit Firefox.

Use environment

# list all containers (optional)
$ docker ps -a

# open DVWA via Proxy
$ open -a firefox

Start recording and save your XML report “Report -> Generate XML Report”.

Save ZAP XML report

# open reports directory in finder
$ open /tmp/reports

Import XML report

Next steps

Now it’s time to study! If you need help, you can found a lot of training materials on Youtube.

Create a simple video test environment (Part 3)

Okay, now is time to see some command line tools to analysis videos. I selected 4 Open-Source applications (avprobe, mediainfo, mplayer, exiftool).


  • docker
  • git

Get ready for docker images

On Bitbucket I created a repository with needed Dockerfiles for fast usage. You can also choose the installation method.

# change directory (optional)
$ cd ~/Projects/

# clone repository
$ git clone ~/Projects/tinydockerapps

# change directory
$ cd ~/Projects/VideoTest/

# build docker image for mediainfo
$ docker build -t debian/mediainfo ~/Projects/tinydockerapps/mediainfo/

# build docker image for mplayer
$ docker build -t debian/mplayer ~/Projects/tinydockerapps/mplayer/

# build docker image for exiftool
$ docker build -t debian/exiftool ~/Projects/tinydockerapps/exiftool/

# build docker image for avprobe
$ docker build -t debian/avprobe ~/Projects/tinydockerapps/avprobe/

# check available images (optional)
$ docker images


Lets start with mediainfo. Here some information about on wikipedia.

# list help
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo --help

# run simple scan
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo demo.mp4

# run full scan
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo -f demo.mp4

# show aspect ratio
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo --Inform="Video;%DisplayAspectRatio%" demo.mp4

# show duration
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration/String3%" demo.mp4

# show audio format
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo --Inform="Audio;%Format%" demo.mp4

# show resolution and codec
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo --Inform="Video;Resolution=%Width%x%Height%\nCodec=%CodecID%" demo.mp4

# list all possible file parameters
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo --info-parameters | less

# create XML report (all internal tags)
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo -f --Output=XML demo.mp4

# show mediatrace info
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo --Details=1 demo.mp4

# create report file
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mediainfo demo.mp4 --LogFile="Report.log"


Second application is mplayer. Here the wikipedia link.

# list help
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mplayer --help

# show all properties
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify demo.mp4

# show all video properties
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify demo.mp4 | grep VIDEO

# show all audio properties
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify demo.mp4 | grep AUDIO

# show video format
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify demo.mp4 | grep ID_VIDEO_FORMAT


Now we take a look on exiftool. Here the wikipedia article and the official documentation.

# show all parameters
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool demo.mp4

# show all parameters sort by group (including duplicate and unknown tags)
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool -a -u -g1 demo.mp4

# show friendly parameters
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool -s -G demo.mp4

# show Height and Width
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool '-*source*image*' demo.mp4

# show audio format
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool '-*Audio*Format*' demo.mp4

# show video duration
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool '-*Duration*' demo.mp4 | head -1

# create json output with specific values
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool -j -VideoFrameRate -MediaDuration demo.mp4 > report.json

# create csv report file with specific values
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/exiftool -csv -FileSize -ImageWidth -ImageHeight -AudioFormat -AudioChannels demo.mp4 > report.csv


Last but not least avprobe. Here the wikipedia article and detailed official documentation.

# list help
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe --help

# list available formats
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe -formats

# list available codecs
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe -codecs

# show all properties
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe demo.mp4

# show stream properties in json format
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe -of json -loglevel quiet -show_streams demo.mp4

# show specific properties
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe -show_format -show_streams -pretty demo.mp4

# show size properties
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe -show_entries format=size demo.mp4

# show duration and size properties
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe -loglevel quiet -show_entries format=duration,size demo.mp4

# show duration and size properties in json format
$ docker run --rm -i -v ~/Projects/VideoTest/:/mnt debian/avprobe -of json -loglevel quiet -show_entries format=duration,size demo.mp4

Compare tools by expecting specific result

I will not judge the applications against each other! But here a compare of complexity of commands and output for video duration.

# get duration by exiftool
$ exiftool -s -s -s  -MediaDuration demo.mp4

# get duration by mediainfo
$ mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration/String3%" demo.mp4

# get duration by avprobe
$ avprobe -v error -sexagesimal -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 demo.mp4

# get duration by mplayer
$ mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -nolirc -identify demo.mp4 | grep ID_LENGTH | cut -d'=' -f2

Create a simple video test environment (Part 2)

In the first part we created the video test environment and you learned how to extend it. At the end of this tutorial you will know how to embed video content in the video test environment. Therefore, a few basics are shown around ffmpeg (how to create, edit and use videos).

Record and prepare some videos

The recording should contain video and sound and should be 5 minutes long. The content of the video does not matter!

# open Quicktime Player
$ open -a "QuickTime Player"

# press Control-Command-N, start record (approximately 5 min)
# save record into project folder as (~/Projects/VideoTest/

As soon as a video is ready we have to create more.

# copy binary (optional)
$ sudo cp ~/Projects/VideoTest/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg && sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg

# convert mov into mp4 (copy)
$ ffmpeg -i -vcodec copy -acodec copy demo.mp4

# resize mp4 to 320x240 (filter_graph)
$ ffmpeg -i demo.mp4 -vf scale=320:240 ./src/demo_scaled.mp4

# create poster from mp4 (position and frame)
$ ffmpeg -i ./src/demo_scaled.mp4 -ss 00:00:30 -vframes 1 ./src/demo_poster.png

# create m3u8/ts files from mp4 (HLS - Apple HTTP Live Stream)
$ ffmpeg -i demo.mp4 -b:v 1M -g 60 -hls_time 2 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_size 500000 ./src/output.m3u8

# run specific SHELL provisioner
$ vagrant provision --provision-with video

Note: After this step you will have many video files which you will use

  • ./ (original)
  • ./demo.mp4 (converted)
  • ./src/demo_scaled.mp4 (converted and resized)
  • ./src/output.m3u8
  • ./src/\*.ts

Get in contact with ffmpeg

I assume that ffmpeg is properly installed and the test environment is running.

# create target folder
$ mkdir ~/Projects/VideoTest/test

# extract some images from video
$ ffmpeg -i -ss 00:00:30 -t 0.1 -f image2 -qscale 2 -vcodec mjpeg ./test/img-%03d.jpg

# create local m3u8/ts files from mp4
$ ffmpeg -i demo.mp4 -b:v 1M -g 60 -hls_time 2 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_size 500000 ./test/output.m3u8

# extract mp4 from local m3u8/ts files
$ ffmpeg -i test/output.m3u8 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 ./test/output_local.mp4

# extract mp4 from url to m3u8 file (will not work with LiveStream)
$ ffmpeg -i http://localhost:8080/output.m3u8 -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc stream.mp4

Stream videos

# open browser
$ open -a Safari http://localhost:8080/livestream.html

# stream video (Real-Time Messaging Protocol)
$ ffmpeg -re -i demo.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -g 30 -acodec aac -strict -2 -f flv rtmp://localhost/show/stream

Stream from FaceTime HD Camera (macOS)

# open browser
$ open -a Safari http://localhost:8080/livestream.html

# list devices
$ ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i ""

# stream sound and video (Real-Time Messaging Protocol)
$ ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 30 -i "0:0" -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -g 30 -acodec libmp3lame -f flv rtmp://localhost/show/stream

Create a simple video test environment

In this series I would like to clarify the following questions. How can you test local videos and videos provided by a server? What tools are there? How could the test environment look like? … So these tutorials should provide an entry into the subject of video testing. In this part, we will provide the test environment.


additional Software


# create project
$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/ && cd ~/Projects/

# clone all files from repository
$ git clone

# change directory
$ cd ~/Projects/VideoTest

Project Structure

$ tree .
├── src
│   ├── directstream.html
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── livestream.html
│   ├── nginx.conf
│   └── simplevideo.html
└── Vagrantfile

Prepare and run your test environment

The test environment will created by Vagrant. The Vagrant Base box needs to be provided with Debian 9. Therefore you have now 2 options. You can use a Debian 9 Base box from Vagrant cloud or you create your own. To create your own Debian 9 Base box you can use my Packer Git repository.

Please ensure, that the  Vagrantfile is properly configured (config.vm.box_url, before start-up environment.

# modify Vagrantfile (box name)
$ vim Vagrantfile

# start new environment
$ vagrant up --provision-with install,prepare,start

# open in browser
$ open -a Safari http://localhost:8080/

After successful start you will find some informations on start page about How-to create, modify, upload and stream videos. In second tutorial we will have a detailed look on it.

StartPage Video Test Environment

To understand the background somewhat better, take a look!

# tail nginx log files (optional)
$ vagrant ssh -c 'sudo tail -f /usr/local/nginx/logs/*.log'

# show content of directory (optional)
$ vagrant ssh -c 'sudo ls -la /tmp/hls/'

Develop some more

There are even more ways to publish video files (Media Streaming Server). You can easily expand the environment. Just customize/create the configurations and files in the “src” folder as well as the Vagrantfile. For Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) support take a look here. This link opens the commercial software solution.

Note: You simply link the IDE with the “src” folder. To change the images and videos, just run vagant provisioner.

# run specific SHELL provisioner (video)
$ vagrant provision --provision-with video

# restart after configuration
$ vagrant up --provision-with stop,prepare,start

Download and install ffmpeg binaries on macOS

Currently official ffmpeg packages are available for Windows, Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat) and macOS. You can download latest versions here.

Here now a solution for macOS users, if you don’t like to install many additional software on your system (static FFmpeg binaries).

# download ffmpeg
$ curl -C - -k -o ~/Downloads/ffmpeg-

# install debian package
$ vagrant ssh -c 'sudo apt install -y p7zip-full'

# copy archive (into shared folder)
$ cp ~/Downloads/ffmpeg- ~/Projects/VideoTest/src/

# unzip archive
$ vagrant ssh -c '7z x /home/vagrant/src/ffmpeg-'

# mv binary into src
$ vagrant ssh -c 'mv /home/vagrant/ffmpeg /home/vagrant/src/ffmpeg'

# delete archive (on shared folder)
$ rm ~/Projects/VideoTest/src/ffmpeg-

# mv binary into project folder (from shared folder)
$ mv ~/Projects/VideoTest/src/ffmpeg ~/Projects/VideoTest/

# ensure binary is executable
$ chmod +x ffmpeg

Now some basic ffmpeg commands, which should work now. If you like,you can move the binary into directory “/usr/local/”.

# show version
$ ~/Projects/VideoTest/ffmpeg -version

# show help
$ ~/Projects/VideoTest/ffmpeg -help

# list codecs
$ ~/Projects/VideoTest/ffmpeg -codecs

# list formats
$ ~/Projects/VideoTest/ffmpeg -formats

Okay, that’s it for first tutorial.

HTTP inspection with Wuzz

Wuzz is a very easy command line tool for HTTP(S) inspection with very much potential. In this tutorial I will show the installation on Debian 8.7 (jessie).


# install git and curl packages
$ sudo apt install -y curl git

# download go (do not install from Debian)
$ curl -O

# unzip archive
$ tar xvf go1.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz

# set owner and group (recursive)
$ sudo chown -R root:root go

# move all into target directory
$ sudo mv go /usr/local/

Configure go (for user)

# create hidden go directory
$ mkdir ~/.go

# configure needed paths (inside .bashrc)
$ echo "GOPATH=$HOME/.go" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export GOPATH" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:\$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

# reload
$ source ~/.bashrc

# check go version
$ go version
go version go1.8 linux/amd64

Install wuzz

# install packages from github
$ go get

# check wuzz version
$ wuzz --version wuzz 0.2.0

# show wuzz help
$ wuzz --help

# simple run
$ wuzz

If everything is going well, the terminal should look like this and you can start.

example wuzz cli

Command-line fake data generator

In my search for a command-line fake data generator I’ve found phony. What can I say, the tool does exactly what it should! After installation, you no longer need to leave the terminal.


# install go and git (Debian 8)
$ apt-get install -y golang git

# set GOPATH environment variable for workspace
$ mkdir ~/.go
$ echo "GOPATH=$HOME/.go" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export GOPATH" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "PATH=\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

# install phony
$ go get

# verfiy installation
$ phony --version


# show help
$ phony --help

# list phony generators
$ phony --list

# generate 10 e-mails
$ echo '{{email}}' | phony --max 10

# generate 5 users (first name, last name)
$ echo 'User: {{name.first}} {{name.last}}' | phony --max 5

There is more! Look at the examples!

Automate Bash testing with Bats

With Bats (Bash Automated Testing System) it is easy to automate Bash and command line testing. It is an awesome open source framework written in Bash by Sam Stephenson. In combination with Jenkins you are able to use it via build.


# clone from github
$ git clone

# change directory
$ cd bats

# start installation
$ sudo ./ /usr/local


# create new project
$ mkdir ~/Project/Bats && cd ~/Projects/Bats

# create Bats file
$ vim test.bats

# execute test
$ bats test.bats
✓ Simple check for date command
✓ Check for current user
- Test for something that does not exist (skipped: This test is skipped)
✓ Test for something that should not exist
✓ Check for individual line of output

5 tests, 0 failures, 1 skipped

# execute test with TAP output
$ bats --tap test.bats
ok 1 Simple check for date command
ok 2 Check for current user
ok 3 # skip (This test is skipped) Test for something that does not exist
ok 4 Test for something that should not exist
ok 5 Check for individual line of output

Example Bats file

#!/usr/bin/env bats

@test "Simple check for date command" {

@test "Check for current user" {
  [ "$result" == "lupin" ]

@test "Test for something that does not exist" {
  skip "This test is skipped"
  ls /test/no/test

@test "Test for something that should not exist" {
  run ls /test/no
  [ "$status" -eq 1 ]

@test "Check for individual line of output" {
  run ping -c 1
  [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${lines[3]}" = "1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.0% packet loss" ]

Note: There is much more! Read documentation and have a look on projects which are using it!