This tutorial will explain how easy you implement ZAP Attack Proxy into Jenkins. Therefor we create a Freestyle job and will use the “Official OWASP ZAP Jenkins Plugin“. That you can follow and reproduce the tutorial, you need a running Jenkins instance with SSH access to it and proper system rights (OS, Jenkins).
Install ZAP Attack Proxy
Following steps needs to be done when SSH connection, to Jenkins, is established.
Note: If you don’t restart Jenkins after creating “ZAPROXY_HOME”, you will run into trouble like “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ZAP INSTALLATION DIRECTORY IS MISSING, PROVIDED [ null ]”
Install needed Jenkins PlugIn’s
Search for “OWAS ZAP” and for “HTML Publisher” plugins.
Official OWASP ZAP HTML Publisher
Configure Jenkins Freestyle job
All what we need is there, we can start to setup a Jenkins “Freestyle project” with the name “ZAPAttackProxy”.
Jenkins Freestyle Project
The next setting is optional… I recommend to find your own value (I go with 5 for that example).
Max # of builds to keep
On every build (Jenkins job run) the workspace should be clean. Please enable the checkbox.
Delete workspace before build starts
We add now the build step. This build step is available because of the PlugIn “Official OWASP ZAP“.
Build step: Execute ZAP
Now we have many fields to configure. We start to set the values for section “Admin Configurations”.
Admin Configuration
As we already installed ZAP and created the entry into /etc/environment, we can now use that variable.
Installation Method
For ZAP Home Directory we add the path to the workspace and let the build create the directory “.ZAP”. For Session Management we choose “Persist Session” and give filename “my_session”.
Home Directory & Session Management
Under section “Session Properties” you add the Context Name “default” and for “Include in Context” you can add IP’s and/or Domains. For that example I choose “*”.
Session Properties
In section “Attack Method” you can choose different attack methods like Spider Scan and so on. Please set always a “Starting Point”. The settings here are self explainable.
Attack Method
Enable checkbox “Generate Reports” in section “Finalize Run”. Now enter a filename and select “XML” and “HTML” format.
Finalize Run
Note: You can ignore the HTTP 404 error.
We are done! To provide on our job dashboard a link for HTML report, you can use now the HTML Publisher.
Nessus is a vulnerability scanner from Tenable. In this tutorial I will show how you can install Nessus on AWS (Debian), how you connect your local browser and perform a simple network scan. You need only a AWS account (eq Free Tier), SSH and a web browser.
Note: Please have a look on that page about pentesting on AWS first.
Create new EC2 instance
Login into your AWS console (or use AWSCLI), create a new SecurityGroup with SSH port 22 only (inbound) and launch a new instance. Search for “Debian”…
Debian 9 on AWS Maretplace
Press button “Select” and finish all needed following steps (save your keys). After your EC2 instance is ready check for IP or DNS and connect.
# connect via SSH to EC2 instance
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/ admin@<instance>
# compile a list of locale definition files (optional)
$ sudo locale-gen UTF-8
Install Nessus
Open download page and select latest version for Debian (as I wrote this tutorial it was Nessus-8.5.1-debian6_amd64.deb). Confirm and download. Via SCP, in new terminal, you can upload the file to your EC2 instance.
# copy file from local to remote
$ scp -i ~/.ssh/ ~/Downloads/Nessus-8.5.1-debian6_amd64.deb admin@<instance>:/tmp
Back to instance terminal … Now install and start Nessus.
When the initialization has been completed successfully, login and create a new scan. Select “Basic Network Scan” and add URL: Select “Basic Network Scan” and “Port scan (common ports)” for scan settings. Save and start your created scan. Please be patient, the scan will take a while.
Running Nessus scan
Create a scan report
After a while, the scan is complete. Now you can create a “Custom” report. BTW … feature is only available for completed scans. So select “Export” – “Custom” and generate the report.
Apache Guacamole … What is it about? It’s a client-less remote gateway for Telnet, SSH, RDP and VNC. Client-less, because there is no need to install any plugin or additional software for users (clients). The client will use just the browser (also without any plugin). In this tutorial we will create a very simple environment via Vagrant and use Guacamole. Why the tutorial? Because I know a lot of testers for example – who work with Windows, who are not allowed to install any software (eq Putty) but still need access to environments. … Next point are for example public security groups on cloud providers. Here only one port would be needed to support different protocols on different hosts (incl. file transfer).
Okay, via your favorite editor you now add the content of all files. All files inside directory “src” are configuration files (installed on Guacamole host).
# Hostname and port of guacamole proxy
guacd-hostname: localhost
guacd-port: 4822
available-languages: en, de
basic-user-mapping: /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml
The includes all installation and configuration for Guacamole All examples are provided but for Debian RDP is currently not working and I commented out.
First start-up the environment (via simple Vagrant command) and next start the VNC inside the box. You can do via vagrant ssh or you start the VNC via Browser (SSH).
# start environment (be patient)
$ vagrant up
# show status (optional)
$ vagrant status
# ssh into 2nd box
$ vagrant ssh debian-2-guacamole
# start VNC server on user vagrant
$ vncserver
# Password: vagrant
# Verify: vagrant
# Would you like to enter a view-only password (y/n)? n
# exit ssh into box
$ exit
# open browser with URL
$ open http://localhost:55555/guacamole
Now login with “USERNAME/PASSWORD” (see src/user-mapping.xml) on http://localhost:55555/guacamole. If everything works it should look like this:
This tutorial will show how to setup a simple test environment via Vagrant and to install, configure and use WireGuard VPN software. In this tutorial Debian 10 is used, you can find the documentation about other OS on WireGuard website.
First make sure VirtualBox and Vagrant are installed in latest versions. Now create needed project and files.
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
require 'yaml'
machines = YAML.load_file('machines.yml')
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
machines.each do |machines|
config.vm.define machines["name"] do |machine|
# box settings
machine.vm.hostname = machines["name"] = machines["box"]
machine.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true "private_network", ip: machines["ip"]
# virtualbox settings
machine.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| = machines["name"]
vb.cpus = machines["cpus"]
vb.memory = machines["memory"]
vb.gui = false
# provision all
machine.vm.provision "shell", name: "all", inline: <<-SHELL
sudo echo "deb unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list
sudo printf 'Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 90\n' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/limit-unstable
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y wireguard
# provision only host-a
if machines["name"] == 'host-a'
machine.vm.provision "shell", name: "host-a only", inline: <<-SHELL
sudo su -
cd ~
wg genkey > private
ip link add wg0 type wireguard
ip addr add dev wg0
wg set wg0 private-key ./private
ip link set wg0 up
ip addr
# provision only host-b
if machines["name"] == 'host-b'
machine.vm.provision "shell", name: "host-b only", inline: <<-SHELL
sudo su -
cd ~
wg genkey > private
wg pubkey < private
ip link add wg0 type wireguard
ip addr add dev wg0
wg set wg0 private-key ./private
ip link set wg0 up
ip addr
All files are created and we can start to start the environment.