Share internet from macOS to Wifi Pineapple (Part 2)

Some weeks ago I wrote the first part about Internet Sharing. There we changed the network configuration on the Wifi Pineapple itself. This time we tweak the network configuration (NAT subnet configurations) so that we can use internet sharing on macOS inside “172.16.42.x” network.


Configure Internet Sharing without changing the default settings on Wifi Pineapple (but change defaults on macOS).

Step 1: Prepare for next steps

If you have “Internet Sharing” enabled, now you must switch it off!

Turn on the Wifi Pineapple device and connect via USB (A plug for NANO, ETH plug for TETRA) to your Mac. If everything works fine, following commands should run successful.

# ping device (optional)
$ ping -c 1

# show wifi pineapple network settings (optional)
$ ssh root@ -C 'uci show network'

# start browser session (optional)
$ open

Step 2: Configure default subnet

The property list ( is like a contract between the “Sharing preferences pane” and “InternetSharing”. One important property to set there is “SharingNetworkNumberStart” (all other properties, which follow in this tutorial, are optional). This property controls the behavior of InternetSharing when it configures IP addresses for the local interfaces. I choose value

# read the property list (optional)
$ defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

# create backup of the property list file (optional)
$ sudo cp /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

# add start IP
$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NAT -dict-add SharingNetworkNumberStart

# add end IP (optional)
$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NAT -dict-add SharingNetworkNumberEnd

# add network mask (optional)
$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NAT -dict-add SharingNetworkMask

Step 3: Network configuration

We will deal with 2 interfaces locally (enX and bridge100). Now we configure the “enX” IP first. We do this simply via “Network preferences”. Depending to your Wifi Pineapple device you should see following services:

  • NANO: AX88x72A
  • TETRA: USB 10/100 LAN

Select the service and configure like in picture.

macOS - Wifi Pineapple IP configuration

Now change the network service order.

macOS - Wifi Pineapple network service order

After saving, we quickly check everything.

# check interface (in my case it's en5)
$ ifconfig en5                
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

# ping from wifi pineapple (should not work yet)
$ ssh root@ -C 'ping -c 1'
ping: sendto: Network unreachable

# check for interface (should not exist)
$ ifconfig bridge100
ifconfig: interface bridge100 does not exist

Step 4: Start Internet Sharing

Inside “System Preferences”, click “Sharing”, then select “Internet Sharing”. Configure as in picture.

macOS - Wifi Pineapple internet share

Step 5: Set bridge100 interface IP

Back to the terminal, here the interface “bridge100” should be visible now. This interface we assign the IP

# show interface information (optional)
$ ifconfig bridge100

# add IP to bridge100 interface
$ sudo ifconfig bridge100 netmask up

That’s it already! Via “Bulletins” you can verify.

Wifi Pineapple Dashboard

BTW … Take a look at the following local files, with and without Internet sharing!

# read config file for DHCP
$ defaults read /etc/bootpd.plist

# read internet share config (optional)
$ defaults read /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Share internet from macOS to Wifi Pineapple

I have been using the Wifi Pineapple Nano by Hak5 for a long time. What can I say – very, very cool tiny device. Since I am also a macOS user, I would like to show in this tutorial how I share my internet (Wifi to USB). There are various options but with this I have currently achieved the best results.

Important: You should carry out all firmware upgrades beforehand, since the settings (which I will show you soon) will be overwritten again.


I would like to connect my Macbook to the Internet via WiFi and then make it available to the Wifi Pineapple via USB. So here both devices should be able to use the Internet without network conflicts.

Change Wifi Pineapple network

# show interface configuration (optional)
$ ifconfig

# connect to Pineapple device via SSH
$ ssh root@

# backup network file
$ cp /etc/config/network /etc/config/network.bak

# show all settings (optional)
$ uci show

# show network settings (optional)
$ uci show network

# change ip with UCI configuration tool
$ uci set network.lan.ipaddr=''

# change gateway with UCI configuration tool
$ uci set network.lan.gateway=''

# save changes
$ uci commit

# reboot device
$ reboot

The first steps of the configuration have been carried out. However, you still cannot connect to the device or share the internet!

Modify macOS network configuration

Now you have to configure the macos network dhcp with manual address (network.lan.gateway To do this, open the network settings and select the Wifi Pineapple (AX88x72A). Select “DHCP with manual address” in the dropdown and assign the IP (next to Configure IPv4).

Configure device as DHCP with manual address.

You should also change the arrangement of your available network connections (devices). Click the gear icon and select “Set Service Order”. At the top should be the standard wifi followed by Wifi Pineapple.

set service order

After a short time, the settings should have been accepted.

Wifi to USB internet sharing

Now we are making the internet available from Wifi to Wifi Pineapple (USB). Launch Internet Sharing under System Preferences. On “Share your connection from” select the Wifi and on “To computers using” select the Wifi Pineapple.

share internet from Wifi to USB

Done … let’s verify all configurations.

# show interface configuration (optional)
$ ifconfig

# connect to Pineapple via SSH
$ ssh root@

# run simple ping (optional)
$ ping -c 1

# exit SSH connection to Pineapple
$ exit

# open browser
$ open

Note: The Browser URL is now (network.lan.ipaddr!

After login you can go to the Dashboard and check “Bulletins” which should show the latest news from