Monitor multiple remote log files with MultiTail

With MultiTail you are able to view one or multiple log files (on remote engines). Therefore it creates multiple split-windows on your console. You can configure these! To see all features look here.


# install on Mac OS via Mac Ports
$ sudo port install multitail

# install on Mac OS via Homebrew
$ sudo brew install multitail

# install on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora
$ yum install -y multitail

# install on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint
$ sudo apt-get install multitail


# example for two log-files
$ multitail log-file_a log-file_b

# example for two log-files and two columns
$ multitail -s 2 log-file_a log-file_a

# example for two log-files and different colors
$ multitail -ci green log-file_a -ci yellow -I log-file_a

# example for one log file on remote
$ multitail -l "ssh -t <user>@<host> tail -f log-file"

# example for four log files on remote
$ multitail -l "ssh -l <user> <host> tail -f log-file_a" -l "ssh -l <user> <host> tail -f log-file_b" -l "ssh -l <user> <host> tail -f log-file_c" -l "ssh -l <user> <host> tail -f log-file_d"


If you look on multiple files at same time with MultiTail – just hit the “b” key to select the window, with up/down keys you can scroll.