Okay,… The pipeline has already two steps “Build” and “Deploy” running, but the last step “Test” is missing. In this part I will show a simple example with Python, Selenium and Docker (standalone-chrome) for test step.
Install additional packages on AWS EC2
There is a need to install additional packages on AWS EC2 Linux instance (Jenkins).
# start ssh connection $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/ExampleKeyPair.pem ec2-user@<EC2 IP|DNS> # change to root user $ sudo su - # install python pip $ easy_install pip # install virtualenv $ pip install virtualenv # exit root and go back to ec2-user $ exit # exit ec2-user (ssh connection) $ exit
Create new files and folder (Project/Repository)
You need to create a new directory called “test”. Inside that directory you will create a file “example.py” with following content.
#!/usr/bin/env python import unittest from selenium import webdriver class ExampleTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Start web driver""" options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--headless') options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') self.driver = webdriver.Remote('', options.to_capabilities()) self.driver.get("APPLICATION_URL") def test_search_headline(self): """TestCase 1""" title = 'DemoPipeline' assert title in self.driver.title def test_search_text(self): """TestCase 2""" element = self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body') assert element.text == 'Hello world...' def tearDown(self): """Stop web driver""" self.driver.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)
When you are done you have to modify the “Jenkinsfile” and the bash script “test.sh”.
pipeline { agent any parameters { string(name: 'REPONAME', defaultValue: 'example/nginx', description: 'AWS ECR Repository Name') string(name: 'ECR', defaultValue: '237724776192.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/example/nginx', description: 'AWS ECR Registry URI') string(name: 'REGION', defaultValue: 'eu-central-1', description: 'AWS Region code') string(name: 'CLUSTER', defaultValue: 'ExampleCluster', description: 'AWS ECS Cluster name') string(name: 'TASK', defaultValue: 'ExampleTask', description: 'AWS ECS Task name') } stages { stage('BuildStage') { steps { sh "./cicd/build.sh -b ${env.BUILD_ID} -n ${params.REPONAME} -e ${params.ECR} -r ${params.REGION}" } } stage('DeployStage') { steps { sh "./cicd/deploy.sh -b ${env.BUILD_ID} -e ${params.ECR} -c ${params.CLUSTER} -t ${params.TASK}" } } stage('TestStage') { steps { sh "./cicd/test.sh -c ${params.CLUSTER} -t ${params.TASK}" } } } }
#!/usr/bin/env bash ## shell options set -e set -u set -f ## magic variables declare CLUSTER declare TASK declare TEST_URL declare -r -i SUCCESS=0 declare -r -i NO_ARGS=85 declare -r -i BAD_ARGS=86 declare -r -i MISSING_ARGS=87 ## script functions function usage() { local FILE_NAME FILE_NAME=$(basename "$0") printf "Usage: %s [options...]\n" "$FILE_NAME" printf " -h\tprint help\n" printf " -c\tset esc cluster name uri\n" printf " -t\tset esc task name\n" } function no_args() { printf "Error: No arguments were passed\n" usage exit "$NO_ARGS" } function bad_args() { printf "Error: Wrong arguments supplied\n" usage exit "$BAD_ARGS" } function missing_args() { printf "Error: Missing argument for: %s\n" "$1" usage exit "$MISSING_ARGS" } function get_test_url() { local TASK_ARN local TASK_ID local STATUS local HOST_PORT local CONTAINER_ARN local CONTAINER_ID local INSTANCE_ID local PUBLIC_IP # list running task TASK_ARN="$(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER" --desired-status RUNNING --family "$TASK" | jq -r .taskArns[0])" TASK_ID="${TASK_ARN#*:task/}" # wait for specific container status STATUS="PENDING" while [ "$STATUS" != "RUNNING" ]; do STATUS="$(aws ecs describe-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER" --task "$TASK_ID" | jq -r .tasks[0].containers[0].lastStatus)" done # get container id CONTAINER_ARN="$(aws ecs describe-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER" --tasks "$TASK_ID" | jq -r .tasks[0].containerInstanceArn)" CONTAINER_ID="${CONTAINER_ARN#*:container-instance/}" # get host port HOST_PORT="$(aws ecs describe-tasks --cluster "$CLUSTER" --tasks "$TASK_ID" | jq -r .tasks[0].containers[0].networkBindings[0].hostPort)" # get instance id INSTANCE_ID="$(aws ecs describe-container-instances --cluster "$CLUSTER" --container-instances "$CONTAINER_ID" | jq -r .containerInstances[0].ec2InstanceId)" # get public IP PUBLIC_IP="$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids "$INSTANCE_ID" | jq -r .Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicIpAddress)" TEST_URL="$(printf "http://%s:%d" "$PUBLIC_IP" "$HOST_PORT")" } function clean_up() { # stop container if [ "$(docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} ChromeBrowser)" == "true" ]; then docker rm -f ChromeBrowser fi # delete virtualenv if [ -d .env ]; then rm -fr .env fi } function run_selenium_test() { local TEST_TEMPLATE local TEST_FILE # clean up clean_up # pull image (standalone-chrome) docker pull selenium/standalone-chrome # run docker container (standalone-chrome) docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name ChromeBrowser selenium/standalone-chrome # create and activate virtualenv virtualenv .env && source .env/bin/activate # install Selenium pip install -U selenium # read test template into variable TEST_TEMPLATE=$(cat ./test/example.py) # replace string with URL TEST_FILE="${TEST_TEMPLATE/APPLICATION_URL/$TEST_URL}" # save into final test file echo "$TEST_FILE" > ./test/suite.py # execute test python -B ./test/suite.py # deactivate virtualenv deactivate } ## check script arguments while getopts "hc:t:" OPTION; do case "$OPTION" in h) usage exit "$SUCCESS";; c) CLUSTER="$OPTARG";; t) TASK="$OPTARG";; *) bad_args;; esac done if [ "$OPTIND" -eq 1 ]; then no_args fi if [ -z "$CLUSTER" ]; then missing_args '-c' fi if [ -z "$TASK" ]; then missing_args '-t' fi ## run main function function main() { get_test_url printf "Test Application URL: %s\n" "$TEST_URL" run_selenium_test } main # exit exit "$SUCCESS"
Ensure that “example.py” has all needed permission rights. $ chmod +x example.py
Commit all changes now and wait that the Jenkins job gets triggered (or trigger manually).
That’s already all… your job should execute all steps. This part is done super fast. 😉
Some last words
There is a lot of space for improvements here, but I think you learned already much and had some fun. Some hints now:
- you can add any other test methods by your self on this step (eq. Performance- and Security tests)
- Unit tests and Static Code Analysis could executed on build step (before create image)
- check out AWS ECS Services
- use a proxy for Jenkins and enable SSL
- create other pipelines and ECS clusters to enable staging
- create “Lifecycle policy rules” on ECR
- use Git Webhook’s to trigger the Jenkins jobs
- add a post step in your Jenkins pipeline to store metrics and/or inform about build status