MDK3 and CentOS 7

Last time i showed you, how to install Aircrack-ng. This time we will install MDK3 on CentOS 7.



# install needed software
$ yum install -y wget bzip2

# download mdk3
$ wget

# unzip mdk3
$ bzip2 -cd mdk3-v6.tar.bz2 | tar xvd -

# compiling
$ cd d mdk3-v6/
$ make
$ mv mdk3 /usr/local/bin/
$ make clean


# create text-file with fake AP`s
$ echo -e "the force is with you\ncheck me\nhave fun" > fakeAP

# kill interfering processes
$ airmon-ng check kill

# set interface into monitor mode (my interface is wlp0s11u1)
$ airmon-ng start wlp0s11u1

# start mdk3 to create fake AP`s
$ mdk3 wlp0s11u1mon b -f fakeAP