RATS – Rough Auditing Tool for Security. Open-Source software to scan C, C++, Perl, PHP and Python code. For other languages seeĀ Fortify.


# CentOS
$ yum install rats

# Debian
$ aptitude install rats

# wget
$ wget http://www.fortify.com/servlet/download/public/rats-2.3.tar.gz 

# curl
$ curl --remote-name http://www.fortify.com/servlet/download/public/rats-2.3.tar.gz

# extract
$ tar xfz rats-2.3.tar.gz

# change directory
$ cd rats-2.3

# compile
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install

Execute RATS

# Simple run
$ rats --resultsonly <directory>

# Advanced run
$ rats --quiet --xml -w 3 <directory>