This Blog is not death

What’s new? I have received various inquiries as to whether this blog is still being maintained. Yes he still will! Currently, however, a lot has changed in my life and through various security settings of my provider I have created a few tutorials directly on GitHub. So here are 2 categories which I would like to introduce to you.

Raspberry PI Tutorial

GitHub Tutorial: Lupin3000/Raspberry-PI-Tutorials

In this GitHub repository you will find instructions on how to use the small development board as a security analysis device. These instructions are simply intended to show which options the Raspberry PI offers and to provide an introduction to the topic of cyber security.

Adafruit Matrix LED

GitHub Tutorial: Lupin3000/AdafruitMatrixLED

I love the Adafruit Matrix LED! With a little python you can achieve everything your heart desires super quickly and easily. To make the start a little easier for you, I’ve created a few examples with Python. You are welcome to use these or (even better) develop them further.


I also started to post some pictures and videos of my work on Instagram … Yes, I have to go with time too. 😉

So if you find the time and feel like it, just drop by these platforms and let yourself be inspired for your projects.